Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chicag08 Day 6 - Monday

Another eventful day. GOD is GREAT! Really! He is pushing us to our limits.

Here are some pictures from our night out...

We ate dinner at the world famous Giordano's Pizza. Yummy! Then...

... the group went to the Sears Towers to chill. It was a very nice day!

Here's a view from the top that I took.

Johnny, DC and Jeff was with us.

Hanna, Cody, Sara, Kirsten and Katie goofing around. Those are sugar packets in their mouths. Check out the vegetable salad.

Two amazing students: Hayden (our resident smarty) and Nathan. I am so proud of these two.

Waiting for the food to arrive. Amazing leaders Isaac, Tara and Carol.

Grant, Nathan and Tyler

Gabby, Halley, Chris B, Chris I and Jeremy

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