Thursday, August 07, 2008

Not much happening...

... around here lately. Summer vacation's almost over for the students and most of them are not ready to go back yet, but oh well, such is life.

Friday, August 01, 2008


... or let me just say NO updates. TGIF! Lately, not much really is happening around here though. I stayed inside the house today as it is VERY HOT outside. Evan came over and we just played Rock Band. Besides that, nothing... nada... zilch...

Tomorrow, me and a couple of friends might watch Isaac play music at a coffee shop. I don't know where yet as I am still awaiting for his reply to my email. It'll be cool to see Isaac play before he leaves for college on August 10th.

UPDATE: I just got a hold of some pics of Rock Band 2. I am so excited about this game that I really don't care about the also upcoming Guitar Hero World Tour. Here's a list of the 84 tracks that will come with the game when it comes out, all of which are master recordings. I am looking forward to playing Pearl Jam, more Red Hot Chili Peppers, more Bon Jovi, Linkin Park and Duran Duran (my childhood favorite band). I totally think that RB2 will kick major butt against GHWT! Just look at the instruments that comes with RB2...

The box art for Rock Band 2

more crisper graphics

the shweeet drum set (and it's wireless now!)

the new RB2 guitar, shweeter!