Friday, August 01, 2008


... or let me just say NO updates. TGIF! Lately, not much really is happening around here though. I stayed inside the house today as it is VERY HOT outside. Evan came over and we just played Rock Band. Besides that, nothing... nada... zilch...

Tomorrow, me and a couple of friends might watch Isaac play music at a coffee shop. I don't know where yet as I am still awaiting for his reply to my email. It'll be cool to see Isaac play before he leaves for college on August 10th.

UPDATE: I just got a hold of some pics of Rock Band 2. I am so excited about this game that I really don't care about the also upcoming Guitar Hero World Tour. Here's a list of the 84 tracks that will come with the game when it comes out, all of which are master recordings. I am looking forward to playing Pearl Jam, more Red Hot Chili Peppers, more Bon Jovi, Linkin Park and Duran Duran (my childhood favorite band). I totally think that RB2 will kick major butt against GHWT! Just look at the instruments that comes with RB2...

The box art for Rock Band 2

more crisper graphics

the shweeet drum set (and it's wireless now!)

the new RB2 guitar, shweeter!

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